CA Arts Education Framework Resource Hub!
The Hub is a collaborative effort of the California County Superintendents (CCS) Statewide Arts Initiative, The California Arts Project (TCAP), one of the California Subject Matter Projects, CCS Curriculum and Instructional Steering Committee (CISC), and The California Department of Education (CDE). It offers recorded excerpts of the March 2022 virtual launch, downloadable Framework infographics for various audiences, and sets of resources for teachers, administrators, and communities to support Framework implementation.
Arts Education Framework Resource Hub History
The COVID-19 pandemic presented many challenges, one major setback was the suspension of a statewide roll-out of the new California Arts Education Framework for Public Schools, Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Arts Framework) that was adopted by the State Board of Education on July 8, 2020.
The collaborative efforts of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) Statewide Arts Initiative and CCSESA’s Curriculum and Instructional Steering Committee (CISC), The California Arts Project (TCAP), one of the California Subject Matter Projects, and The California Department of Education (CDE), led to an adaptation of their pre-pandemic rollout plans into a three-year Framework support design. The reconceptualized plan was put into action in August 2021 and in January 2022, the California Arts Education Framework Resources for Implementation online hub went live.
CDE’s California Arts Education Framework Slide Decks
- The Guide to Reading and Using the Framework (PPTX)
- Chapter 1: Vision and Goals for Standards-Based Arts Education (PPTX)
- Chapter 2 The Instructional Cycle (PPTX)
- Chapter 9 Implementing Effective Arts Education (PPTX)
The PowerPoint slide decks are intended to be used to support the implementation of the 2020 Arts Education Framework for Public Schools, Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Arts Framework) and are made available by the California Department of Education.
The content was selected and refined in collaboration with leaders from California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) Statewide Arts Initiative and The California Arts Project (TCAP). Thank you to all CCSESA and TCAP leaders who contributed to this effort. A special thanks goes to Sarah Anderberg and Kris Alexander for their leadership and institutional support.
These slides can be customized for presentations. Users may wish to add graphics and additional slides for interactivity or perhaps break up the content into smaller chunks. The slides are mostly self-explanatory, but in some places the slide notes contain clarifying talking points, possible reflection questions, or notes that may be useful when facilitating a group. In their current state, the slides are accessible to screen readers and compliant with federal accessibility guidelines.
Letty Kraus
Interim Administrator, Curriculum Frameworks Unit
Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division
California Department of Education
You can also access the decks at Once on the page, scroll down to Arts Framework Resources.